Monday 18 January 2016

At the age of 50 I lost nearly 30 kgs!

30 Transformational Inspiring Stories. Story No 19.                                             A chartered accountant,by profession,55 years old Roshni Desai..her journey from 98 kgs to 69 kgs is commendable!Lost 29 kgs in approximately a year.At 50,when most people get complacent and comfortable with life,Roshniji chose not to.She was uncomfortable and told herself enough is enough and wanted to break free from her lifestyle habits.She wanted to transform her lifestyle,eating pattern,wanted to lose weight and get healthy.She had no major health issues but a pain in her back and knees.Roshniji knew the task of losing weight cannot be done on her own and so joined Xersize.She had never worked out prior,worked long hours and had an erratic eating pattern.She was extremely committed and made time to workout which meant getting up early,hitting the gym at 6 am.She got eating healthy,smaller and frequent meals.Started with low impact cardio and body weight exercises.Her regularity paid off.She lost weight,inches,gained stamina and built on strenght.Working with a TMC national operations manager is a huge responsibilty,having set eating habits for 50 years and then the task of weight loss.Menopause does slow the BMR down and causes weight gain.Roshniji's determination,devotion and discipline overcame all that.Nothing is impossible,if you want it such has been her focuss.Regular meals,planning her meals,regular workouts and a good night's sleep are key ingredients which supported her weight loss.She gyms out,does Zumba and yoga.She is most of the times our first client to walk in and if she misses a single day of her workout,the team is well informed in advance about her absence.If such the dedication then nothing can stop you in losing weight.Roshniji is truly a source of inspiration!!!Her mantra is"Plan your meals in advance,workout in the morning when you are freshest and have all the energy"

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