Wednesday 22 April 2020

Does 30 minutes of exercise help?

Is 30 minutes of exercise help?
Dedicating an hour to fitness is the best way but due to this pandemic most of us are working from home and at home.Time is a constraint for many ladies,you have loads on your platter office deadlines,online meetings,your kids online classes and above all the endless never ending job of cleaning and dishing out new recipes daily.You surely are missing your gym and fitness regime but wonder how are you going to dedicate that hour to fitness daily.

As per Research it’s proven that 30 minutes of exercise can get you all the benefits of an hour long workout provided done correctly 
30 minutes of exercise can help in:
  • Build strong, lean muscles
  • Improve cardiovascular fitness
  • Send fat burn into overdrive
  • Build core strength
Research as per the American College of Sports Medicine 
shows that exercise for a total of 150 minutes a week will generate health related benefits. That means you can conveniently and effectively enjoy the benefits of exercise by doing just five short 30-minute workouts a week. The secret is to make sure that the 30 minutes you spend working out is carefully structured.
How do I get this 30 minutes of exercise?
We at Xersize have come up with a scientific Form of training Turbo 30 which works on all major muscles,gives you all the benefits of 60 minutes training and burns calories post workout that is increases your metabolism.
Turbo 30 is done 30 minutes a day ,six days a week and the workouts are fun based and effective.The purpose is to energise and refresh you.
Workouts are scientifically designed for fitness needs of a woman.
Anyone interested in Joining these workouts starting May 1,2020 can connect with us on
Xersize the fitness spot for Women!
Happy Xersizing 
Ritu Shah 

Saturday 4 April 2020

Importance of Rest days during Exercise

Importance of rest days:
We have always been told to workout regularly and be active.If you are  a competitive athlete or a recreational gym goer rest days are essential.
1.Allows time for recovery;
Contrary to popular belief, a rest day isn’t about being lazy on the couch. It’s during this time that the beneficial effects of exercise take place. Specifically, rest is essential for muscle growth.
Exercise creates microscopic tears in your muscle tissue. But during rest, cells called fibroblasts repair it. This helps the tissue heal and grow, resulting in stronger muscles.
2.Reduces risk of injury:
Regular rest is essential for staying safe during exercise. When your body is overworked, you’ll be more likely to fall out of form, drop a weight, or take a wrong step.
3.Improves performance:
When you don’t get enough rest, it can be hard to do your normal routine, let alone challenge yourself. For example, you might be less motivated to do an extra rep or run another mile.
4.Prevents muscle fatigue:
Rest is necessary for avoiding exercise-induced fatigue. Remember, exercise depletes your muscles’ glycogen levels. If these stores aren’t replaced, you’ll be most likely be sore and fatigued.
5.Supports healthy sleep:
While regular exercise can improve your sleep, taking rest days is also helpful. Rest can help you get better sleep by letting your hormones return to a normal, balanced state.
Happy Xersizing 
Ritu Shah

Wednesday 1 January 2020

Top 10 at Home exercises

Top 10 at home exercises 

Life can get busy, and oftentimes we find ourselves traveling or otherwise unable to get to our preferred health and fitness facility for a matter where you find yourself. Using only your own body weight,these versatile moves can help you create a total-body at-home workout that fits your needs and abilities.
1.Squat Jumps:A bit of a heart rate pump and a total body movement
2.Bent knee push-up:Works the upper body muscles.
3.Plank ;This is tough and awesome for your back and abs.
4.Forward lunge:This works wonders for your gluteus.
5.Bent knee sit ups:;Targets your abdominals.Most people do this incorrectly.Learn from a fitness professional how to perform.
6.Side plank::Great way to target your core and obliques.
7.Supine Reverse Crunches:Works the abdominals effectively.Feel any pain in the back then Stop.
8.Burpees: A full body exercise working on strengthening and the aerobic component.
9.Pelvic Bridges:Work the gluteus,core and pelvic floor muscles for women,combine this with Kegels.
10.Cobra:strengthens the spine,gluteus,abdominals and shoulders.
The above can be done in a circuit format that is back to back non stop ,do 15-20 reps each and 2-4 circuits depending on your fitness level.
Happy Xersizing!
Ritu Shah.

Tuesday 12 March 2019

Should you exercise during your period?

Common Myths and Misconceptions About Exercising on Your Period

  1. Myth #1: I can exercise on my period if I avoid inversions and rigorous workouts – Wrong. Downward dog, crow pose, and other inversions should have no effect on the intensity of your period; inversions will not make your period last longer and rigorous workouts should have no negative impact on your overall well-being given that you are properly fueled and hydrated.
  2. Myth #2: I could bleed in the pool...or attract sharks in the ocean– Remember Captain Jack Sparrow crossing the ocean in an upturned canoe? That’s your vagina underwater. Because of the size and position of your vaginal cavity, it is extremely unlikely that you would start bleeding underwater and even less likely that you would attract sharks doing laps in the ocean. The average period produces a total of approximately three tablespoons of fluid over the course of a week. And while sharks are attracted to blood, in the unlikely event that you leak underwater, your uterine lining would not tantalize Jaws.
  3. Myth #3: I have a heavy flow and I could pass out from exercise – Sometimes anemia occurs when your body is not able to produce enough red blood cells to compensate for the loss of blood during your menstrual cycle. It is also known as iron deficiency and can be treated through a change of diet and...exercise! True, anemia causes feelings of fatigue, but exercise can allow red blood cells to be delivered more efficiently to the muscle tissue. Swimming, running, and biking can all help women better deal with anemia caused by their heavy period. Need a second opinion? Talk to your doctor about diet and exercise options.
  4. Myth #4: I will leak – Skip ahead to “Make the Most Of Your Workout While on Your Period”.                                                                                  benefits of exercising on your period
Not only are many of the horror stories regarding period exercise completely avoidable — there are unmistakable benefits. If you’re not doing it already, here are 4 reasons to start including exercise in your favorite time of the month.
  1. Period Exercise Enhances Performance

    An Umea University, Sweden study has shown that training the first two weeks of your menstrual cycle, starting the first day of your period, actually optimizes your performance and is better than exercising in the last two weeks of your cycle. Finally, a real benefit from having your period!

    In addition to the awesome physical benefits, exercising on your period also has many different benefits, including mental and emotional.
  2. Improved mood

    Bad moods and periods go together like Joey Tribbianni and sandwiches. Everything from just having the blahs to feeling like you want to cry at a Listerine commercial caused by fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone can make period time unpredictable. Research has shown that increased stress can actually lead to more cramps – god, forbid. And while mood swings are common, they don’t have to be.
    Exercising is a great way to help with mood swings and other PMS symptoms because it actually boosts the "I'm feeling good" hormones in your brain. Exercise lowers stress hormone levels and triggers the release of endorphins and serotonin, uplifting the brain similar to the way that morphine works (sign me up!).
    So book a yoga class, get out your hula hoop or go for a run – your body will thank you!
  3. Better sleep

    For women who have trouble sleeping while on their period, exercise can be just the thing to help your body needs catch up on some well-needed z’s. Pain and discomfort can definitely take a toll on your quality of sleep, and with the added mood swings (anger, sadness, heightened feelings of anxiety), you might find it difficult to relax enough before bed to get some shut eye.
    Going for a long run or winding down the evening with restorative yoga poses can help relax muscle tension. Try going to a yoga class before bedtime or practice some yogic hip-openers like reclined butterfly, low lunge, or a gentle frog pose. Gentle stretches and breathing help cool the body down in preparation for rest.
    Doing cardio also helps. Cardio raises your body temperature, which is what causes the body to sweat. The post-exercise drop in body temperature can create sleepy feelings and also relax tense muscles and lift menstrual migraines.
  4. Exercise Fights Period symptoms

    Menstrual headaches, moodiness, and bloat are all improved when you exercise during your period.
    Instead treating menstrual migraines with another tab of Ibuprofen, skip the drugs and head out for a jog. Intense exercise causes the body to sweat, which helps reduce any period belly bloat.
    Rigorous exercise encourages you to rehydrate your body, replenish any fluids lost from sweating, and promote healthy habits. The more active and regular you are overall with your exercise, the better your periods end up being, and the less cramps and heavy flow you'll have to deal with.
    So, be sure to hit the local gym for just a 30 minute jog, a dip in the pool, a spin on the stationary bike, or a zumba class, and you will definitely notice the difference!

Tuesday 16 October 2018

MIndset tips for weight loss.

Weight loss mindset tips:
Yes you know how to lose weight.Exercise and nutrition are two major tools to attain this goal but another important tool is keeping your mind focused on your weight loss goal.
How many times we have heard people drop out of their workouts or break their diets just because their mind was not on it or simply felt like doing so.
So what it takes to keep your mind on your focus and attain your goal?
Sharing few tips:
1.Have a SMART goal that is specific,measurably,attainable,realistic and timebound.
2.Use power of visualisation:Dream,visualise your weight loss goal.
3.Believe in it,do not doubt at all that you will not be able to drop weight.
4.Be in action means workout regularly and eat clean as per your your nutrition plan.
5.Do not please pay heed to your negative feelings.Feelings are just the cause of any passing thoughts.Your feelings can impact your actions.
6.Be in integrity:Total Commitment to your goal.Who you are is your word not your thoughts,feelings or emotions.
7.Seek support:Talk to family,friends,fitness instructor or anyone who can hold you accountable and not let you drop out.
8.Acknowledge yourself for all the efforts put in by you.
9.Have a cheat meal per week:This will keep you going and avoid from bingeing.
What if you simply go off your workout and your diet?Relax,simply acknowledge that you let go and stop beating yourself.Simply jump back and start following the plan.

You may slip,fall or let go but a champion is the one who bounces back!!We

Tuesday 17 April 2018

5 best exercises for Weight loss.
Whatever be your goal:Weight loss,building stamina or strength,some exercises are simply classic evergreen.They are Multi joint exercises target several muscle groups and simply the best.
1.Squat..The best exercise and mother of all.Targets nearly half of your muscles and it’s purely functional.
2.Deadlift:Targets the posterior chain of muscles gluteus,hamstrings and back.A very superior compound exercise.
In today’s world we spend the majority of our days doing things in front of us with terrible posture.
We crouch over keyboards while our chests cave in and our hips shorten from sitting.
We drive with our arms in front of us while, again, we’re seated with shortened hip flexors.
We sit in “artificial wombs” (a.k.a. cubicles) for hours at a time not moving and making the front of our body even tighter.
And then we go home and slouch on the couch further tightening the front of our bodies
This overuse of the muscles on the front side of our bodies is called “anterior dominance” and it is plaguing our society.
Anterior dominance results in imbalances in our muscles causing us to move and perform at sub-optimal levels.
It compresses our lungs so that instead of taking deep long breaths into our belly like we were born to do, we take short, stressful breaths into our shrunken chests.
And because of our terrible posture – because our anterior muscles are shortened and tight pulling us forward – we give the illusion of being weak and un-confident as opposed to standing erect with our chins up.
It’s no wonder that we’re generally unhealthy compared to previous generations that didn’t live a convenience lifestyle in this information age.
There is hope, however.
And there is one exercise – that if you incorporate it into your daily routine – can easily combat the ill effects of anterior dominance and the Western Lifestyle.
The Kettlebell Swing is the perfect “anti-Western Lifestyle” exercise.
4.Plank: this exercise helps to tighten the core and shrink waistline.It works the deep abdominal muscles (rectus abdominius,,transverse abdominius and the the obliques)
5.Push ups:The ultimate upper body exercise is the push up-Targets the chest,shoulders,core and triceps

Wednesday 27 December 2017

5 useless exercises

5 most useless exercises.
Stop5 most useless exercises.
Stop wasting your time on these useless exercises.Be a smart exerciser,every rep should be worth the effort.Get maximum results when you train.Let your workout be effective,result oriented and not a time waster.
So avoid these.
1.Crunches: if you’ve been going to gym for awhile, you’ve probably seen people who do hundreds of crunches a day but still have belly fat. That’s because crunches don’t work! This classic exercise only targets one small abdominal muscle group, but has little impact on your obliques and rectus abdominus (six-pack muscles).
To get ripped abs, eat clean and train your core from different angles. Focus on compound movements that build stability and balance, such as the squat, push-ups, deadlifts. Leg raises, air bicycles, ab rollouts, bent-knee hip raises, and weighted cable crunches are far more effective than traditional crunches. Don’t forget about cardio, which melts away fat and tones your ab muscles.
2.Isolation training exercises: Isolation training exercises are a waste of time.They work on one muscle group and to get maximum benefit one must target to workout 2 or 3 muscle groups in a single shot.Opt for compound exercises rather than isolation exercises like bicep curls,leg extension,tricep kickback..
3.Bosu Ball exercises:And it certainly didn’t help that it seemed trendy and different – another piece of newfangled fitness apparatus for personal trainers to wow their clients with.
Let me explain…
Most healthy people that work out want to get stronger, get toned or lose weight.
Since losing weight is better controlled through diet, let’s put that aside for now and focus on the first two goals: strength and muscle tone.
Now in order to tone up and build strength effectively, you need to be putting your muscles under steadily increasing loads, so that they will be forced to give results.
However, when you are standing on an unstable surface – such as the flat top of a bosu ball – you are not going to be able to handle nearly the amount of weight you could if you were on a flat surface.
This also applies to exercises done on ANY unstable surface, such as swiss balls or balance boards.
You simply won’t be able to generate as much force in any movement on an unstable surface compared to a stable one, which ultimately means that you’ll lift less weight and build less muscle and strength in the long run.
4.Low intensity cardio workouts:
To maximise results,enhance stamina and promote efficiency of cardiovascular system intensity of cardio workouts matter.Simply walking at a low speed or cycling at a low intensity makes no sense.Its only a feel good factor but scientifically no results and benefits attained.
Increase workout intensity as this is the single most important factor in weight loss and enhancing endurance.
5.Wrong way,duration and type of stretching:
Stretches enhance flexibility but if done incorrectly or at the wrong time can cause damage or prove to be completely useless.
Slow static stretches done post warm up are a no no.Post warm up incorporate dynamic stretching to increase blood flow to the muscles.
Slow static stretches post workout.Hold the stretch for 15 to 30 seconds to a mild point of tension.
Random stretching in between sets makes no sense.
Be a Smart Xersizer!!!